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Mine Digitalisation 

We provide industry-leading Mine Digitalisation solutions, combining intelligent equipment such as 3D laser scanners, mine borehole probes, online vibration monitoring, and online moisture and particle size analyzers for blast piles, with mining industry software for face design, blast design, charge and delay design, to support your mining team to continuously reduce mining costs, increase labor productivity and achieve digitize mining.

Intelligent Equipment: 

3D laser scanners,

Mine borehole probes,

Online vibration monitoring,

Online moisture and particle size analysers for blast piles.

Mining Industry Software:

Mining face design,

Blasting design,

Charge and delay design.

Blast Design and Optimisation 

The next generation BDO Platform delivers a suite of enhanced technologies, empowering better decision making and increased control of blasting outcomes

The technologies in BDO Platform are designed to deliver economic and operational value individually, but the benefits are maximised when they are integrated in a systemised process, including topography, 3D laser and borehole database, charging, timing, vibration control and fragmentation analysis.

To realize the digitization of mines, this platform helps you to create databases in the following fields:

  • Mine digital terrain databases

  • Drill hole databases

  • Drug consumption database

  • Environmental and safety databases

  • Ore particle size analysis databases


The BDO platform works in conjunction with 3D Modeling and mine planning software to help you further reduce mining costs, increase ore utilization, and improve mine safety and environmental performance.

Want to Know More?


Smart Control Solutions Limited


Swords Business Campus, Co.Dublin, Ireland 


+353 864645297 

© 2023 for IMC. Registered in Ireland under Company Number 698325.

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